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MIDDLE (Grade 6 - Grade 8)

JCS’ Middle curriculum promotes students' active learning through the use of tablet PCs, Google Classroom, and digital portfolios in such classes as English, Math, Science, Korean, Korean history, and Bible. As students are exposed to Special Projects, Art, and Music in their studies, they develop interests and aspirations. Physical education focuses on developing an appreciation for exercise as well as on sports citizenship and cooperation.

Course Descriptions

Grade 6

  • English I: Foundations of Literature and Composition
  • Geometry
  • Biology
  • World History
  • Foreign Language 1: Chinese I
  • Korean Language & Korean History
  • Biblical Studies I
  • Choir
  • Physical & Health Education I
  • Electives Offered: College Writing I, Research Practicum I, Chapel

Grade 7

  • English Language & Literature II
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Pre-Physical Science
  • Korean Language & Literature II
  • Geography II
  • Biblical Studies II
  • Physical & Health Education II
  • Electives Offered: Chapel, Daily Devotion, Choir, Art, Special Projects

Grade 8

  • English Language & Literature III
  • Pre-Geometry & Algebra I
  • Physical Science
  • Korean Language & Literature III
  • Geography III
  • Biblical Studies III
  • Physical & Health Education III
  • Electives Offered: Chapel, Daily Devotion, Choir, Art, Special Projects