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주니퍼크리스천스쿨 채플은 재학생들이 찬양으로 함께 참여하고 있습니다. 하나님을 찬양합니다! Juniper Christian School students have participated in the CHAPEL. Let's worship the Lord! #juniper_christian_school #주니퍼크리스천스쿨 #일산국제학교 #국제학교 #기독글로벌스쿨 #internationalschool #일산중산동 #대안학교 #기독대안학교 #기독국제학교 @junipercs /// CONNECT /// * http://www.j...
In this video, Jinny Kim will be reading the Scholastic book, “I Like School,” by Deborah Schester. This book explains about why the main character likes school. Do you like going to school? This video was brought to you by the Agape Tree. We hope you enjoyed, and we will see you soon with another o...
In this video, Grace Cho will be reading the Scholastic book, “Ice Cream Scoop,” by Liza Charlesworth. This book is about a kid who wants more ice cream. Do you like eating ice cream? This video is brought to you by the Agape Tree. We hope you enjoyed, and we will see you soon with another online re...
2024 JUNIPER SUMMER SCHOOL: MUSICAL & ENRICHMENT (2024 썸머스쿨)이 시작되었습니다. JCS 조이스 강 교감꼐서 '야곱의 사다리' (창세기 28장 10절-22절)라는 제목으로 하나님 말씀을 전해 주셨습니다. JCS Youtube 구독을 통해 주니퍼크리스천스쿨의 다양한 교육 콘텐츠와 채플 메시지를 경험하시길 권장 드립니다. /// DESCRIPTIONS /// The 2024 JUNIPER SUMMER SCHOOL: MUSICAL & ENRICHMENT has begun. Ms. Joy...
주니퍼크리스천스쿨 2023-2024 학년 봄학기 종업식 및 졸업식 가운데에서 이민호 교장의 연설 영상입니다. 2023-2024 학년도 주안에서 잘 마무리하며, 수고하신 학생, 교사, 학부모님들께 큰 격려와 감사 드립니다! /// DESCRIPTIONS /// This video is the speech of Dr. Anthony Minho Lee, Principal in 2023-2024 Spring Semester Banquet Day and Graduation Ceremony of Juniper Christian School....
In this video, Daniel Nam will be reading the Scholastic book, “What Flies,” by Liza Charlesworth. This book is about things that fly. Do you want to fly? This video is brought to you by the Agape Tree. We hope you enjoyed, and we will see you soon with another online reading video. Key Words: Fly,...
주니퍼크리스천스쿨 2023-2024 학년 봄학기 종업식 및 졸업식 가운데에서 학생 발표 영상입니다. 2023-2024 학년도 주안에서 잘 마무리하며, 수고하신 학생, 교사, 학부모님들께 큰 격려와 감사 드립니다! /// DESCRIPTIONS /// This video is 'Student Presentations' in 2023-2024 Spring Semester Banquet Day and Graduation Ceremony of Juniper Christian School. We thank you to our student...
2024 JUNIPER SUMMER SCHOOL: MUSICAL & ENRICHMENT (2024 썸머스쿨)이 시작되었습니다. JCS 이민호 교장께서 첫날 '거인과 맞서기' (데살로니가전서 5장 16절-18절)라는 제목으로 하나님 말씀을 전해 주셨습니다. 데살로니가전서 5장 16절-18절 16 항상 기뻐하라 17 쉬지 말고 기도하라 18 범사에 감사하라 이것이 그리스도 예수 안에서 너희를 향하신 하나님의 뜻이니라 JCS Youtube 구독을 통해 주니퍼크리스천스쿨의 다양한 교육 콘텐츠와 채플 메시지를 경험하시길 권장 ...
One of the after-school programs during the 2023-2024 academic year at JCS was the "JCS Podcast Club." In this program, middle school students from Juniper Christian School participated in creating a radio theater adaptation of "Beauty & The Beast," edited directly by JCS. This year's "Beauty & The...
Fragile X syndrome is a genetic disorder that leads to intellectual disabilities and is the most common known to mankind. [Created by Grace Cho] Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor: A Battle Against HIV [Created by Jiyong Kwak] #juniper_christian_school #주니퍼크리스천스쿨 #일산국제학교 #국제학교 #일산중산동 #brea...
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